Where in the hell am I?

Stories from the road, and home, by a contract archaeologist.

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Location: Texas, United States

I work out of town a lot as a contract archaeologist. Sometimes it's interesting. It can be quite funny, although probably only to other archys. Home is Austin, with my wife and our cute kitty and all of our crazy friends.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I'm actually up late working on the damn thesis. Didn't get a whole lot of words on the page, but it was a start. I had to spend a lot of time cross-referencing my notes with field forms and photos. I also started on the most complicated unit to describe in a lot of ways. Tomorrow I hope to get a lot more actually written.
March is going to be a long, boring, painful, low sleep month for the most part (except the big wedding this Saturday and then the big festival next week).

Oh yeah, still somehow managed not to vote for the winner. I think I know my strategy for the next primary...

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Blogger Colleen said...

Yaay, thesis. You should post some of it.

7:19 AM  
Blogger jlowe said...

You asked for it...

"Subop N, originally a 1x3 meter unit at grid point 113, 74, was opened on March 9. This unit would bisect the depression, exposing the southern portion, to determine whether the depression was a cultural feature or a natural landscape feature. It was thought that the unit might reveal modifications to the underlying bedrock that would confirm it’s function as a water storage feature, as well as possible channel features or lining to increase water retention. The opening elevations of the final 2x4 meter unit showed a 60 centimeter (cm) difference in height between the highest point, in the southeast corner, and the lowest point, in the northwest corner."

Exciting stuff, huh?

11:48 PM  
Blogger Colleen said...

It sounds like my diary entries for catal. woot.

5:47 AM  

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